A Little Bit About Me

Hi! My name is Coley. I rake lawns. I am nine years old. I am trying to make some money to get my family Christmas gifts. I will also use that money to save up for college. Some of the money I am making will go to my church. Every summer my church does something called Vacation Bible School. The money the kids give goes to a children's home.

My family is a family of six. Out of four children, I'm the oldest. I have three sisters. We live almost right in the middle of the neighborhood. To see if I actually liked raking, my mom and dad let me do their backyard. They were very happy with the job I did, and I can guarantee that it won't be any different for you. To start my business, the first three people to book a raking job get one bag free.

Cool Yards' Services

  • Raking
  • Mowing - Coming in 2016!


How do your raking prices work?
I charge $10 for the front yard and $10 for the back yard plus $2.50 for each yard waste bag or trash can I have to use.

When I was a kid, I used to rake two acres for a nickel. Will you rake my yard for a nickel?

What is your territory?
I work in the Black Oaks neighborhood in NW Gainesville, FL. That's the neighborhood between the Boys Club and Buchholz High School. If it's bounded by NW 51st, NW 23rd, NW 55th and NW 27th (but not facing 27th), I can rake it!

Did you make this website?
I just wanted to hand out some flyers, but my dad is a web designer, so...

Do you do anything besides raking?
Raking is my specialty, but I know a seven year old who likes weeding.